Mindless to Mindful

Mindless to Mindful

Hosted by: Melanie Whitney

Welcome to "Mindless to Mindful," the podcast where we explore the transformative power of mindfulness, communication, and personal growth. Hosted by Melanie Whitney, a seasoned Communication Studies Professor and...


Where Do We Spend Our Time?

Season #1 Episode #8

In America, we say things like “time is money” or “don’t waste my time.” These common phrases reveal how we feel about time - it is scarce, it is valuable, and not to be wasted. But what is so incredibly fascinating...
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Opposing Needs in Relationships

Season #1 Episode #7

 Relationships can be incredible rewarding and incredibly challenging at the same time. As human beings we have needs and they often vary from moment to moment. We often find ourselves in situations where the person...
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Stress, Overwhelm, or Burnout?

Season #1 Episode #6

While many people use these words interchangeably, they are not the same. In this episode, we go over the differences between these words and why it's important to accurately represent your experiences. Perhaps you...
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Perception Checking

Season #1 Episode #5

We have countless of interactions with people throughout our week, not all of them may be pleasant. Today we cover a little bit about how we evaluate other people's behavior and how that affects our perception of...
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Staying Mindful on Weird Days

Season #1 Episode #4

We all have days that are unpredictable, ironic, and a little weird. In this episode, I share a story about a interesting day I had and how it was another lesson in mindfulness. You will never be a master of...
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Empowered Refusal

Season #1 Episode #3

Many of us don't realize how our words are creating mental barriers and adding to our emotional stress. In this episode, we uncover little things you are saying every day that are working against you completing your...
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What's Your Listening Style?

Season #1 Episode #2

Listening is one of the most important ingredients in relationships, yet many of us struggle with how to listen. In this episode, we discuss the characteristics of different listening styles. Understanding your...
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What is Mindful Communication?

Season #1 Episode #1

Perhaps you've heard of mindfulness, but have you heard of mindful communication? In this first episode we explore the definition of mindfulness and why mindful communication is essential for both our professional and...
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