
How I Can Support Your Journey?

All of us are in different places in our journey. However, I have found that most paths to alignment lead inward. With over a decade of experience in energy work, coaching, and reprogramming - you'll find a unique set of offerings to help you get aligned.

Let's embark on a transformative journey toward more connected and mindful you.

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THE INNER WORK starts here

A Magnificent & Mindful You

Private Coaching Session (60 min)

Who is This For? 
This session is best for focusing on a specific situation. Think of this as a a mix of coaching and consulting. You'll describe the challenge you are currently having and together we will deconstruct the situation, reset your mindset, and focus on a path forward.

Session Time: 60 min ($250) 

Description | Session Overview:

  1. We will open the session by discussing your current situation (coaching/consulting).
  2. Together we will work on deconstructing the current challenges through the lens of mindfulness and spiritual psychology. Specifically using the PEACE method to help identify dysfunctional patterns.
  3. Create a blueprint for a specific outcome you can work towards in the next 30 days.
Book a Session

Corporate Events & Workshops

Looking to educate your team on mindful communication and emotional intelligence practices? I would love to hear more about the event you're putting together. I have had tons of experience in a variety of teaching environments, some of my favorite have been:

  • Working for the United States military facilitating workshops at the Pentagon and military bases all over the world
  • Created courses and been a speaker for LinkedIn & LinkedIn Learning
  • Taught higher education for over a decade (Communication Studies)

Whether you're looking for an in person keynote, training, or virtual workshop. Contact our office and let's create something powerful together.

Contact Us

1:1 Coaching Program (6 Sessions)

Are you looking to change your current state of reality and create a version of you? I've designed this program to teach you how to get your mind, body, and soul aligned.

Here are some of the modalities we will use:

  • Mindfulness
  • Guided Meditation & Breathwork
  • Hypnotherapy 
  • Reiki (Energy Healing)
  • Life & Success Coaching
  • Timeline Therapy & Techniques
  • Trauma Informed Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Having a coach saves your the mental overload of researching, teaching yourself, and creating strategies to keep on focused. Meaning you'll finally get lasting results that you can see and feel. 

I'm Interested

Free Resources


Create Better Connections

Free Course

Learn how to mindfully communicate in all your relationships. Often times we are looking for connection, but our communication practices are creating disconnection. These techniques can be applied as soon as you're ready!

Sign-up Now



You're not a bad meditator, you're just stuck in judgment. Moving out of your head and into the present moment can be simple. Join me for guided meditations to meet an aligned and more mindful you.

Let's Meditate

weekly episodes


This short-form podcast has episodes that run from 10-15 minutes. Allowing you to squeeze them into your busy schedule each week. I cover topics like relationships, mindset, mindfulness, and psychology.

Listen Now


Nervous System Reset

If I could go back to the beginning of my mindfulness journey, I would put equal amounts of time into my rewiring my BODY (nervous system) as I did in rewiring my  mind.

Ready to Reset


Peaceful Playlists

The right music can help with flow when you are writing, working, relaxing. Here are some of my favorite Spotify playlists

A Different Approach
to Mindful Living

Unlike traditional personal development coaches, my approach combines the masculine energy of science (data) with the feminine energy of spiritual psychology. I believe all human beings are made up of both energies (masculine and feminine). You need BOTH of them to be your WHOLE self.

Culture and society often create gender constructs that have us lean more towards one over the other. For example, I have had many male clients who are comfortable in their masculine energy of "doing" and "getting things done." However, their relationships are limited because of their inability to examine or communicate their emotions. There are various things that influence whether you will nurture your "analytical mind" or tap into your "subconscious mind." The goal is to have the two be integrated so you can learn when you are living in flow and when you are in resistance (which often creates suffering).

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Frequently Asked Questions